Hello everyone, and happy Friday to you all! I hope this week has been good for you!
Here is today's fortune:
🌻 Nevermind tomorrow, TODAY is the day. 🌻Many people over the years have written about living in the present moment: Thich Nhat Hanh, Wayne Dyer, and Eckhart Tolle, to name a few. It's something that I struggled with in my younger days, because I was frequently so miserable that I didn't want to focus on today. I wanted to focus on tomorrows, because any tomorrow had the potential to be better than a miserable today, back then.
And looking forward to tomorrow is not a bad way to get through some rough stuff, by any means. I employ that method, myself, at times, because it reminds me that bad times won't always be around.
But if it is within us to do so, living for TODAY has its merits, and is a good baseline to strive for. After all, we are not guaranteed any tomorrows, are we? We are alive RIGHT NOW.
I'm currently reading some Russian literature (Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita
Remember then: there is only one time that is important-- Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power.
~ Leo Tolstoy, What Men Live By, and Other Tales
I suppose if I had known any better back in the day, I would have realized that I had the power to change my perception of all of those miserable todays and live more fully—but I didn't know that then. How do you do that? Well, for one thing, you can focus on something that's good TODAY. Any one thing, big or small, when viewed with gratitude, can turn today around.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Drop me a line in the comments and let me know something good about today, okay? I'll post mine, too. :)
If you want a fortune cookie read by me, please send me a clear photo through the Facebook page.
May you enjoy all your days, but especially TODAY. 🐝
~positively b.e.e. is on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Follow me there!~
Want more? There's a video of me giving more context!
Want more? There's a video of me giving more context!
Something good for me today: I had a really nice interaction with a lady at my doctor's office. Sometimes a smile from a stranger can really turn a day around, you know?
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