Friday, February 16, 2018

Fortune Cookie Friday: The Means of Happiness

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Ok, so, as I mentioned in this post here, Fortune Cookie Friday will be an occasional feature here at positively b.e.e. I get a lot of these every time I order Chinese food or go out, plus I sometimes buy a package of them (you can get a big box here), because I like them a lot.

I find the sayings inside often start a train of thought, for me, so I may as well share those trains here and see what you have to say about it, and I invite you to share your fortune cookie fortunes with me as well!

So without further adieu, the first fortune cookie fortune on this site:

"We cannot be happy unless we think we are the means of good to others."

What do you guys think of that?

My first, knee-jerk reaction to this was: "Nah."

But that was my brain trying to get in the way of my heart. When I tell my brain to pipe down, I get so much more out of this.

Remember when I said in another post that connection may involve letting our guard down so we can heal and heal others?

Maybe this cookie refers to connection, how we cannot remain an island and be happy. By connecting with others on a true soul-level, we can be the means of good to others, thereby elevating our own happiness quotient.

And then there's the fact that for many people, volunteering our time or donating money to a good cause makes us feel good, right? And that is also a form of connection, so that holds true here, as well.

Wow, that cookie was deeper than I expected!

Tune in next time I open a fortune cookie. In the meantime, let me know: does this fortune cookie's message mean anything to you? Comment below!

Oh, and by the way: Happy Lunar New Year!

 ~~ positively b.e.e. is on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Follow me there! ~~


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very Well written. Great article. I agree with every point. We should not just only be good to others but always try to be a helping hand to someone whenever we can. After-all that's the beauty of a person. Beautiful Post.

  3. I'll look forward to Fortune Cookie Friday every week! Everyone should be happy towards one another! Happy Chinese New Year!

  4. Wow that's deep! Too bad I did not encounter fortune cookies in the two nights when I had CNY dinners. I am not superstitious but I would appreciate some encouraging words like these. :)

    1. Keep tuning in, then! I have fortune cookies to spare. :)

  5. I always have fortune cookies whenever I can find one. It really guides your path. It's fun too!

  6. I think to do just because to do without judgement and expectations can bring so much happiness to all. Nice

  7. Unless we -think- we are the means of good to does that mean that we have to believe we are, whether we are or not? Or that we have to be good to others and realize we're doing it? I could think about this WAY too hard.

    1. Oh wow...I hadn't considered it from THAT angle! We could think ourselves in circles about this, I guess. :)

  8. Yes!! I love reading the messages in fortune cookies. Often times they are the exact thing I needed to here for a particular situation. Thanks!

  9. I agree, we can never be happy unless we help others to be happy as well. We can help others by many ways, not just financial help.

  10. Great post! I do love how cookies can have the exact message we need at the right time! :)


Reflections on 2020

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