Hello everyone! Welcome to the first post and first fortune cookie of 2019! I want to start by wishing you all a very happy new year!
I hope it is everything you wish it to be! Which brings me to today's fortune:
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step.
This fortune is from a meal that Fred and I shared with my parents the other day.
I decided to post this as the first fortune of the year because of its message. It's appropriate for the new year, don't you think?
With each new year, we're culturally primed to do a bit of a "reset"—we set resolutions, start new projects, create new goals, or wipe the slate clean from the year before. So this seems like the perfect time to consider our journeys.
So what do I mean when I say "journey"? Well, that really is up to you. We could be talking about your entire life, or we could be talking about one portion, like a dream you have, something you've always wanted to do with your life.
Big or small, every goal or dream is able to be broken down into actionable steps, and every step is worthwhile, no matter how small. And that's why this fortune really spoke to me.
Let me give you an example from my own life: I always felt like I'd want to start my own business, but I was a little wary of the steps involved. I didn't want to have to deal with paperwork and taxes and all that jazz.
And then I saw an online course that really spoke to me, so I took it.
Taking that course was only beginning of my journey to entrepreneurship. My business started with just one small, simple step: I took a course to learn new skills.
Since then, there have been more steps, too: I built a website (something I'd never done before). I made business cards. I started telling people about my dreams. I joined professional societies. And I've taken many, many more steps since then.
And I'm happy! Life is good! Isn't that what our journey in life is about? To do the things that make us feel fulfilled?
Sometimes, things have been difficult, but it's WORTH IT. I just keep taking small steps forward on my bigger journey, and they are starting to pay off.
I hope this gives you some food for thought?
Tell me, what journey are you on? I'd love to hear about your small steps, too. And if you'd like to read more about my own business journey, you can read about it here. We can learn from and inspire each other!
Have a great week, and a wonderful journey!

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